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How To Guide


Mar 16, 23

Does your hair ever look as good when you wake up as it did the night before? For most of us, the answer is no.

After a full night’s sleep, you might wake up to hair that looks more oily, less voluminous, or frizzy. The culprit is friction: your hair pressing against your pillow as you toss and turn. And while there are options to help limit overnight damage – satin or silk pillowcases, sleep bonnets to protect curls, no-damage scrunchies – the fact of the matter is that your hair is not going to look the same the next day (at least without a bit of restyling).

What about your lashes and brows? The same friction while tossing and turning in your sleep can harm them, too. Lashes and brows don’t get frizzy (thankfully!), but they absolutely can take a beating from your sleep habits. For example, have you noticed your lashes curl differently from one side to the other? It could be the way you sleep. If lashes on a specific side seem less curled, or off-kilter, chances are that’s the side you sleep on.


Want to lessen lash and brow damage and help prevent wrinkles? Sleep on your back. Dermatologists agree, it's the best way to prevent crush wrinkles. Many say they can decipher which side a person sleeps on when they first meet them; the subtle differences in volume, excess or deeper wrinkles, and sagging skin give away your sleep position to a trained eye. And over time, even an untrained eye can pick up the clues. 

As for lashes and brows, the less you rub and put pressure on the hairs the better. Remember, lashes and brows are delicate ­– merely rubbing your eyes can lead to fallout. Imagine what eight hours of sleep can do. 

To mitigate the damage, try sleeping on silk or satin pillowcases. Not only does silk cause less friction than standard cotton or fiber blend sheets, silk’s smoothness means it draws less moisture from your skin and hair, leaving the hydration where it belongs. 


Seemingly harmless habits may cause excess damage. Going to bed with wet hair, for example, and not completely removing your mascara.

What's the solution?

Start in the shower: Use quality products that contain everything your hair needs to be nourished, strengthened, and hydrated (like our Volumising Hair Collection). Check the label to make sure products don’t contain sulfate detergents, phthalates, or harsh ingredients that do more damage than they prevent. Next, dry and style your hair before going to bed, since wet hair is more fragile and prone to breakage while you sleep.

For lashes and brows: Fully removing your makeup and cleansing dirt and environmental pollutants will be key. Use a gentle but effective micellar water, a wonder product that attracts residual makeup, grime, and other impurities without the need to scrub your delicate eye area. Micellar Water is available in our newly released Clean Routine Collection. It will leave your lashes and brows clean, soothed, and hydrated. Perfect prep for RevitaLash® Advanced, the award-winning eyelash serum to enhance your natural lashes, protect against breakage, and improve strength, flexibility, and overall health. The same goes for RevitaBrow® Advanced. Just a swipe over each brow before bed and you’re on your way to your healthiest, most beautiful brows.

Now say goodbye to overnight damage – and sleep well!

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